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Ranking Design University Seo

For those who want to study at top design schools in the world, it is advisable to be able to speak English well, because London's Royal College of Art (RCA) has been named as the best art and design schools in the world, for the second year in a row.

Design Page One 

in a survey of more than 1300 universities by Quacruaarelli Symonds (QS) on March 22, campus 120 years old located in the England ranks first, above the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Rhode Island School of Design, which occupies third.

QS marupakan high school and career consultant based in the UK, assessing the university was based on four indicators: academic reputation of the school, the number of citations of research, quality of research output and impact school (or H-index), as well as the employment of graduates.

The results of this year's survey were taken from the opinion of 76 798 academics and scan terdahap 28.5 million research papers, as explained in a company blog.

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